Monday 6 May 2013

A Panda's life on a daily basis.

A Panda's life,Giant or otherwise is not an easy one, I know,I know, people think it is, we just sit around snacking on bamboo and looking cute,but let me tell you this. We,that is T.T. and I have a lot to contend with. Take bamboo for instance, don't get me wrong, bamboo is excellent but I personally would like to try a few different flavours,cheese and onion,salt and vinegar,prawn cocktail, I can smell them on the breeze, it tends to drive me daft. TT. worries a lot about anything and everything.Is it really, truly bamboo? she asks me,do you think they put things in it, they get it from Ireland you know.Well as far as I'm concerned ,I said, if it looks like bamboo, tastes like bamboo,it is bamboo and with that I bit off a huge chunk just to reassure her.She was on about something else last night, would not give it a rest, on and on and on. Something to do with accommodation. We've got plenty of space she said, and a spare room.Do you think we may have to relocate, will they cut our bamboo ration? What I would like know is, how is a guy supposed to perform when all this is going on, anyway not my fault,say no more .Look, I told her,"they won't move us, where would we go,.anyway we've got "Special needs".

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