Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Office Of Notary Public.



             T I T. V1

Of  the attaining poffeffion by tradition or delivery, and of the feveral fymbols requifite therein.

Symbolical tradition, by the giving of  earth of the lands, feems to have been ufed in the eight century , as may be learned from the following remarkable ftory.  When the Normans (whether Sigefredus or Rollo was their commander is uncertain) arrived at the coaft of  Neuftria, that they might have the pretence of fome injury done them, to wage war againft the inhabitants, they fent a young ftripling afhore, adorned with a golden chain; not queftioning but thofe who firft encountered him would feize upon it, which they earneftly wifhed. The ftripling being afked by the inhabitants,if he would fell or barter the chain? anfwered, he would. They having again afked him,What price he would have? he told them, he would take what price they pleafed. The inhabitants,fmiling at his fimplicity, took the chain from him, and ,as the price thereof, gave him a handful of duft from the ground. But that joke coft them dear:for the ftripling returning to his countrymen,and having told them what had happened,they immediately landed their forces, and took poffeffion of the country.The inhabitants afking by what law they did that, they anfered, by the beft and jufteft of all laws: a young ftripling of theirs had been publicly infeft in thefe lands, by the delivery of earth, as the accuftomed fymbol; and that not without paying for them;therefore they took poffeffion of their own lands, acquired by law, and not by war.

An excerpt  taken from. THE OFFICE OF A NOTARY -PUBLIC.   1792

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