Friday, 5 July 2013


There are quite a few stories in the newspapers today regarding,' Gamekeepers expulsion from their Scottish based Society'. The society has expelled unidentified members in recent weeks , one for poaching, three others members were convicted of raptor persecution.  And so it goes on, no landowner has been charged,or named!. I ask you is this right? It never ends. On a previous post of mine regarding Scotland, and in particular, the Highlands, 100 years ago in the House of Commons a Lord was quoted as saying " Let us not grudge a share in supply of our wool and mutton to our Antipodean brethren but keep the Scottish mountains for sport with the noblest animals that Britain produces."end of quote.
Really, there's not a lot changed in a 100 years.It is still the rich who determine how the land resources of Scotland are used. It is my friends, you and I  who are to blame.After all these years we have done very little to right the wrongs inflicted upon us by some elements of the land owning classes .Invariably they are rich.They are rich enough to undermine our democratic processes by giving backhanders to poorly paid MP's.
 On 9April I wrote a letter which was published in the Scotsman newspaper ,it was regarding the "killing of a golden eagle which leads to concern for the species," The gist of my letter was the observation that it is landowners who are to blame for the killing of raptors. My letter reads as follows;
"We all know who does the killing and why they do it.Let us not beat about the bush, landowners who have vested interest in the extermination of eagles do not have to say anything to gamekeepers , gamekeepers do not have to converse with their employers. Nothing is said, there is no need for words. If golden eagles breed and bring forth more golden eagles, then without anything being said the gamekeeper will have lost his job.
The police do their best with limited resources to find and charge the culprits .
May I make a suggestion, where their are gamekeepers there are also poachers . Why do we not pay poachers to inform on gamekeepers and any gamekeeper who is apprehended and charged should stand in the dock along with his employer! Another take on the old saying, 'Poacher turned Gamekeeper.'

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