Wednesday, 8 May 2013

little timmy and the cruelty inflicted by those who should know better.

Some very bad news today, the semimonkey(he's our conduit between ourselves and the outside world) he said that a lizard who had just arrived from Berlin Zoo told him a story that had its beginnings in our   homeland via two other zoos,Beijing and Leipzig. When TT. and I left our beautiful  paradise we departed alone,just the two of us, we wanted to bring Little Timmy with us, Little Timmy is,was, TT.'s cousin twice removed, he was small for his age and he had a gammy leg, he found it difficult to walk. Oft-times it was necessary for one of us or both of us to help him in his day-to-day endeavours.We would sit him down comfortably and choose for him some nice bamboo. We were more than happy to help him,he always, no matter what, had a smile on his lovely face.   When we were forcible removed,(sorry, Politely requested to enter our cage, Sorry, our Panda Luxurious Travel Compartment) we tried our very best to drag Little Timmy in with us, but it was not to be. That was the first time we ever saw Little Timmy with a sad face. The story that the lizard conveyed to the semimonkey was horrid in the extreme but knowing our erstwhile keepers perfectly feasible.A few months after TT. and I had departed for climes unknown, Little Timmy had been,as you say in your country, put down.He was then skinned, scrunched up and his body placed in a vat of boiling water.After six hours simmering, the liquid that was Little Timmy was drained off  into 1,500 glass phials.Three strands ,two black,one white of Little Timmys fur were fixed by tape to every phial. Initially,50 phials were sold as a cure for the common cold to some very rich people who were suffering. After ten days or so, all the recipients were cured, word spread like wildfire and the rest of the medicine? was sold at exhorbitant prices to the naïve natives.The whole sorry tale tells much about  the people who inhabit that diverse land.

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