This is the time, it may turn out to be a historic time, depending on how the people of Scotland vote, Yes or No. in the upcoming Referendum.
I am a very ordinary person, and I have often wondered at the mindset of the various people when I read their articles in the newspapers or listen to them espouse their cause on TV or on the radio.Those of whom I speak are in the main articulate ,very well versed in their chosen, usually narrow fields,be it, Politics, Business, Religious matters,Education,The Welfare State,Agriculture,Temperance and its lack of, Sport,The Armed Forces, Law and Order, Banking, the Money Supply, Imports and Exports, the list , just like the experts, goes on and on.
The authorities of whom I speak can, and do, embrace their chosen subjects with fervour and passion.
In the theatre of dreams, one after the other they enter, stage left.and extole their audience to envisage the ties that bind their subject to the greater entity that once upon a time strode the world stage.After their individual discourse, with the cheers of the audience ringing in their ears,they leave stage right.But, and here's the rub, their audience consists of only the front row,family,friends, and the like minded.The rest of the theatre is empty.
The people on the outside,not looking in, go about their daily business.They are down to earth people,some downtrodden,more so in these straitened times.
What is it our fellow citizens desire out of life,here in the country that they were born into? The answers are relatively easy, a good education for themselves and their children, decent and affordable housing, ample scope for employment, communities that are strong in the caring for the elderly and the sick.The NHS is high on their list,as is Law and Order. A justice system that doesn't favour the rich and the powerful, freedom of expression, a Government that cares for the needs of all of its people equally.
Basically,the requirements,the needs, the wants of our fellow citizens is for a better system of government than what we are used to. We want change.We desire to be proud of our own country and our own fellow citizens.We do not want to,or need to be second best to any other country in the whole of the world.In these coming months history can be made,let us all come together and make it.
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