Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Peter Capaldi, the Glasgow born thespian was very recently unveiled as the newish Dr Who.
But, and I do mean but! did he not play the ambiguous Doctor for real in another time phase? I am not sure when I wrote this. There is a valve radio on the mantelpiece, the announcer is reciting the weather forecast for fishermen in the German Bight, Vera Lynne is singing in the background, "blue sky's over the white cliffs of Dover" fast forward ,the radio has disappeared and I am standing outside a police box in London road, Edinburgh, The police box is covered in Festival Fringe posters,Robin Ince, Assembly Rooms, 12.30pm  Twonkeys Blue Cadabra-Free cabaret. Bourke and No Hare, Bristo. bar & kitchen, and many more. The aquamarine sky is scudding past, leaving white clouds hurrying to catch up. Its very warm, so I divest  myself of my jacket and swing it over my shoulder.I'm perusing the posters when suddenly  a  blue door opens and a young lady beckons me inside.I enter,in front of me on the floor  there is, what looks like a train set,on closer inspection it turns out to be , not trains, but trams, correct in every detail,all the streets, buildings, tiny orange men working as hard as hard can be. Just then a city gent in a dark blue pinstriped suit enters stage left and in a Glesca accent says," Fringe Gits!' and kicks a section of the tram track, sending small pieces flying,he laughs,' that will set them back another month at least!" He wears a small mask,just enough to cover his eyes.I know who it is behind the mask but the scene is ambiguously ambivalent and by now,frightened out of my wits, I hurriedly exit the police box.The door closes behind me , I replace my cape and trudge off through the snow wondering if it all had been, the baddest of bad dreams

I have been asked next week where was the police box situated.
I replied two weeks ago," on London Road overlooking Nemo's World (exotic pets).
"We could've been contenders Charlie!"

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