Have you noticed how things in life creep up on one ? From small innocuous beginnings, then for a long time nothing changes, until all of a sudden little deviations from the norm.You get used to it. Its still funny, and you watch until all of a sudden you see something that you half know is wrong. You view some more and you become more convinced that they, ie, those in positions of authority should call a halt.No one else in your circles broaches the subject. Are you overreacting? and then your spouse says something and then you know that others see the same as you and are disturbed by it as well.
Have you guessed of what or of whom I speak?
That's right THE HARRY HILL , programme,'YOU'VE BEEN FRAMED!
Once upon a time a child fell over in the sand, it made us laugh as the mother rushed to their aid and dusted them down, no harm done. Another child ,on their scooter , grass either side, hits a bump and falls off, their sister helps them to their feet and kisses away their tears, helps them back onto the scooter and holds them as they ride. We give an indulgent chuckle, its happened to us many times, or something similar in the past. Another child , a baby sitting in its high chair trying to feed itself with a spoon, gets its face covered in chocolate pudding, we smile,remembering young Helen or George, Peter or Kyle, they did the exactly same thing when they were young.
Everybody can give their own examples of times gone by.
But have you like me noticed how cruel some of the skits involving children have become? Children are punched, pushed over violently, hit with a variety of implements .Stood on, stamped on. kicked, nearly drowned, driving cars that are too big for them, ending up in a state of shock, and in the background our hero Harry Hill gives his usual funny voiceover, reading no doubt from a script, also, in the background canned laughter,the audience extolling us all to laugh with them.
The Producers of this programme are only in it for the money. Harry Hill is only in it for the money, and more importantly the ADVERTISERS are only in it for the money!
What can be done about this terrible state of affairs? You tell me.
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